Orders are typically shipped within 1-3 business days of payment being received. Please make sure your preferred shipping address is updated in your profile. Band We do ship the items worldwide and it will take 7-8 days to reach final destination. For standard shipping we does use Aramex, Fed-Ex and DHL for quick movement of item. If the item do not arrived and destination within this period so please contact us.
This tractor POWER STEERING HYDRAULIC CYLINDER FOR MAHINDRA TRACTOR is compatible with various models mentioned above in the list and comes with quality assured product features. Suitable for old or vintage tractor models and also suitable for new tractor models explained in the above list.
✓ 100% quality assured product
✓ Hassle-free doorstep delivery.
✓ Bulk order on this item is applicable.
✓ Quality checked new conditioned product
✓ Free Shipping Within USA.
✓ 1Year Limited Manufecturer’s Warranty.